Sulfuric acidis very reactive and dissolves most metals, it is a concentrated acid that oxidizes, dehydrates, orsulfonatesmost organic compounds, often causes charring. Sulfuric acid reacts violently with alcohol and water to release heat. It reacts with most metals, particularly when diluted with...
The chemical reaction forms sulfuric acid and dissolved iron, some or all of which can separate to form the rust-colored sediments that become visible on the bottoms of polluted streams. The acid runoff dissolves heavy metals like copper and mercury into the ground or surface water. There are ...
to about 315° C. and dissolves the metal salt of the aromatic carboxylic acid in such an amount that the metal salt of the aromatic carboxylic acid has a solubility in the organic solvent of 10 or more at 25° C.Hirofumi MitsuoUS
Hydrochloric acid is frequently used in digest samples for analysis. Concentrated hydrochloric acid dissolves many metals and forms oxidized metal chlorides and hydrogen gas, and it reacts with basic compounds such as calcium carbonate or cupric oxide forming the dissolved chlorides that can be analyzed...
base - a compound that dissolves in water to increase the number of hydroxide ions, OH –, in solution. Strong bases are ionic compounds that contain a metal ion and a hydroxide ion, for example, NaOH, sodium hydroxide. Weak bases, such as ammonia, NH 3, ionize incompletely in water to...
the acid, H2CO3, formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water, found as its salts and esters, the carbonates. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. ...
In H2O, lysozyme dissolves readily. In D2O, when the lysozyme is added to the surface, it becomes a sticky gel. The sometimes-encountered decreased solubility in D2O can be alleviated by an increase in dissolved salts. Further study of the validity of results in D2O vs H2O are desirable. ...
Nucleic acid capture, washing, amplification, and detection are all combined in a single chamber that houses the nucleic acid binding membrane. The target nucleic acid captured on the membrane serves as a template for amplification, thus obviating the need for a separate membrane elution step (as...