酸液飞溅丨Acid Splash <法术|AgelBot于4个月前修改了此页面。 咒法 戏法(奇械师、术士、法师) 施法时间:1动作 施法距离:60尺 法术成分:V、S 持续时间:立即 你掷出一颗酸液球。在施法距离内指定一个你能看见的生物,或者在施法距离内指定你能看见的两个相距不超过5尺的生物。每个目标必须进行一次敏捷豁免,...
Using seismic data, a more complete understanding of the site can be achieved, extending beyond the immediate vicinity of the wells [12]. In this study, the focus is on assessing the feasibility of AGI in saline aquifers located in an Iranian offshore reservoir. A comprehensive survey was ...