这是1983年(恰好是我出生的年份)ACM的一篇期刊文章Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery给出的。这四条特性指导了30多年来数据库的模型、设计和开发。ACID很重要,基本上每篇关于数据库的事务的书、文章都要把他们拿出来重新解释一遍。但是,似乎很多人看了很多遍这种文章还是不明白(包括我在内)。因为...
[2] Theo Harder and Andreas Reuter: "Principles of Transaction-Oriented Database Recovery," ACM Computing Surveys, volume 15, number 4, pages 287-317, December 1983. doi:l0.1145/289.291. [3] 《数据密集型应用系统设计》第七章:事务,215页 注1 [4] 《数据密集型应用系统设计》第七章:事务,215...
The ACID properties define SQL database key properties to ensure consistent, safe and robust database modification when saved. ACID is an acronym that helps to remember the fundamental principles of a transnational system. ACID stands forAtomic, Consistent, Isolation, and Durability. Here are some ...
可串行化(Serializable):可以找到一个事务串行执行的序列,其结果与事务并发执行的结果是一样的。 SQL 标准定义的的这四个隔离级别,只适用于基于锁的事务并发控制。后来有人写了一篇论文A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels来批判 SQL 标准对隔离级别的定义,并在论文里提到了一种新的隔离级别 —— 快照隔离(S...
TheACIDmodel is a set of database design principles that emphasize aspects of reliability that are important for business data and mission-critical applications. MySQL includes components such as theInnoDBstorage engine that adhere closely to the ACID model so that data is not corrupted and results...
TheACIDmodel is a set of database design principles that emphasize aspects of reliability that are important for business data and mission-critical applications. MySQL includes components such as theInnoDBstorage engine that adhere closely to the ACID model so that data is not corrupted and results...
在2000 年的 PODC(Principles of Distributed Computing)会议上,Brewer 提出了著名的 CAP 理论。2002 年,Seth Gilbert 和 Nancy Lynch 证明了这一理论。CAP 指的是:Consistency、Availability 和 Partition Tolerance 。 Consistency(一致性):一致性是说数据的原子性,这种原子性在经典的数据库中是通过事务来保证的,当...
Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'15) | October 2015 Published by ACM - Association for Computing Machinery 论文与出版物 下载BibTex This paper describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of Callas, a distributed database system that offers to unmodified, transactional ACID...
It ensures that data stays valid despite mistakes or failures by following the principles of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. It has supported multi-document ACID transactions since version 4.0, and since version 4.2, it has pushed for distributed multi-document ACID transactions. ...
athe learning methods employed (the pedagogic principles and theoretical perspectives from which the methods are derived); 学习的方法使用了(方法获得)的教学原则和理论透视;[translate] aAdvice of Shipment: The sellers shall upon competition of loading, advise immediately the Buyers by cable of the contr...