What is the formula for the conjugate acid or base of HCO3-? 2.) Like H2O, HCO3- is amphoteric. (a) Give the formula for the conjugate acid of HCO3?. (b) Give the formula for the conjugate base of HCO3?. (a) (b) In the reaction b...
Classify each of the following reactants and products as an acid or base according to the Bronsted theory: HF + H_2O implies F^- + H_3O^+ Classify each of the following reactants and products as an acid or base according to the ...
Engineering. Consider the example of HNO2 reacting with H2O. Is HNO2 strong or weak? [Quick overview], Is SiCl2F2 Polar or Nonpolar? On the flip side, a 0.0005 M HCl solution is dilute, yet still strong. Conjugate acid is an acid that formed when the parent base compound gains one p...
Zn(NO3)2 and H2O b. ZnO and HNO2 c. Zn(NO3)2 and H2 d. Zn(NO2)2 and H2 e. none of above In each reaction box, place the best reagent or reactant from the following list. The reagents needed for the given transformation is Classify ea...
golden to yellowish brown crystals or powder Uses The HCl plus the HNO2 (hydrochloric and nitric acids) are combined to produce agua regia acid, which is the only acid that can dissolve gold. Uses Hydrogen tetrachloroaurate(III) acts as a precursor used in the purification of gold by electrol...
It oxidizes hydrogen sulfide to sulfur forming either nitric oxide or ammonia, depending on the acidity of the solution: 2HNO2 + H2S → S + 2NO + 2H2O HNO2 + 3H2S → 3S + NH3 + 2H2O In acid medium it oxidizes iodide ion to iodine: HNO2 + Iˉ + 6H+ → 3I2 + NH3 + 2H2O...
Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria酸碱平衡与溶解度平衡 共28页 Acid-BaseEquilibria Chapter17 Copyright©TheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc.Permissionrequiredforreproductionordisplay.Chapter17:Acid-BaseEquilibria I.BufferCompositionII.pHofBufferSolutions •pHaftersmallamountsofacid/baseadded III.Designing...
1. What is the Bronsted Acid in the following equation: * NO2- +H2O HNO2 + OH- **a. NO2- **b. H2O **c. HNO2 **d. OH- 2. What is the Bronsted base in the following equation: *NO2- +H2O HNO2 + OH 1. Write the stepwise acid-base reactions fo...
The strong base ethoxide will fully dissociate. The strong base ethoxide will fully dissociate.Because it is a strong base in aqueous solution, ethoxide will fully dissociate. An aqueous solution is composed of HF and HNO2. Which of the following would cause the solution to contain a greater ...
CaCO3+2HSO3NH2→Ca(SO3NH2)2+H2O+CO23Ni(OH)2+2HSO3NH2→Ni(SO3NH2)2+H2O.(3) Can react with nitrate or nitrite:HNO3+HSO3NH2→H2SO4+N2O+H2O2HNO2+HSO3NH2→H2SO4+N2+H2O.(4) Can react with oxidants (such as potassium chlorate, hypochlorous acid, etc.): KClO3+2HSO3NH2→2H2SO4+...