美国混凝土协会(American Concrete Institute)成立于1904年,前身为美国水泥用户协会,总部位于密歇根州法明顿希尔斯,ACI是一个非盈利性的技术研究团体和标准制定组织,是世界混凝土技术方面的权威,并为参与混凝土设计、施工和材料的个人和组织提供专业咨询服务,致力于实现混凝土在建筑领域的最佳使用。ACI在全球拥100多个分会、...
6-12E Concrete Masonry in the 2012 Edition of the IECC (On line only 5-2012) 6-13B Thermal Bridges in Wall Construction (11-2010) 6-14A Control of Air Leakage in Concrete Masonry Walls (2-2011) 6-15A Radon-Resistant Concrete Masonry Foundation Walls (5-2006) 6-16A Heat Capacity (HC...
Cast-in-place concrete elements which are to have a finish other than the surface produced from standard formwork, shall be accomplished by using the following procedures: [___]. 3.3 JOINT SEALING Joint sealing shall be as specified in Section 07920 JOINT SEALANTS. 3.4 CLEANING No sooner than ...
ACISTRUCTURALJOURNAL《美国混凝土学会结构杂志》——华译网翻译公司(http:\/\/.chinatranslation.net\/)提供期刊缩写 ACISTRUCT..
SYNOPSIS:Vietnam is a developing country with very high urbanization speed and many great construction projects. The study on applying modern technologies to the Vietnamese construction industry is an essential need. To meet the need, Vinaconex Xuan Mai Concrete and Construction Joint-Stock Company ...
351.3R-535.1—Subsurface preparation and improvement5.2—Foundation placement tolerances5.3—Forms and shores5.4—Sequence of construction and construction joints5.5—Equipment installation and setting5.6—Grouting5.7—Concrete materials5.8—Quality controlReported by ACI Committee 351William L. Bounds*Fred G. ...
concrete and finish Panel forms shall include a typical joint between form panels form tie conditions and finishes Panels shall be protected from weather and other damage until acceptance of work Sample panels shall be used as job standards throughout construction PART 2 PRODUCTS 2 1 MATERIALS 2 ...
3.3 JOINT SEALING 接头密封 Joint sealing shall be as specified in Section 07920 JOINT SEALANTS. 接头密封应符合07920章节中接头密封的规定。 SECTION 03330 Page 6 3.4 CLEANING 清理 No sooner than 72 hours after joints are sealed, faces and other exposed surfaces of cast-in-place concrete shall be...
The Federaci贸n Interamericana del Cemento (FICEM) and ACI completed an addendum to their International Partner Agreement, which calls for a joint effort to achieve carbon neutrality in the concrete/cement sector. The efforts of FICEM and ACI will be propelled through NEU: An ACI Center of Ex...
301M-29 9.1—General 9.1.1—Description 9.1.2—Submittals 9.1.3—Quality control 9.1.4—Product delivery, handling, and storage 9.2—Products 9.2.1—Materials 9.2.2—Proportioning of concrete and grout mixtures 9.3—Execution 9.3.1—Inspection 9.3.2—Preparation 9.3.3—Placement 9.3.4—Tensioning...