程序图标( Program Icon ) 程序介绍 ( Program Introduction) 最近在研究风振控制,研究了一下调谐液体阻尼器TLD,过程中涉及到TLD计算分析参数的取值问题,学习了许多文献,根据美国规范 ACI 350.3-06 Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures and Commentary及印度规范IS 1893 PART 2 做了这个TLD参数计算...
(ACI 350.3-06)An ACI StandardReported by ACI Committee 350Copyright American Concrete Institute Provided by IHS under license with ACI No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHSLicensee=Bechtel Corp Loc 1 -1 9/99990561 00 Not for Resale, 03/1 5/2007 06:31 :52 MDT--` ...
Petrochemical Facilities-2013 and PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide-2008 It can design shear key or shear lug as per ACI 349-06 using US AISC and Canadian CISC code User can design the anchor forces in 2 direction simultaneously and apply axial and moment forces in X and...
ACI 350M -2006 CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 350M-06) AND COMMENTARY ACI350M ACI350M ACI350M ACI 351.1R -1999 Grouting Between Foundations and Bases for Support of Equipment and Machinery ACI351.1R ACI351.1 ACI351 ACI 351.2R -1994 Foundations for ...
It can design vertical vessel circular pattern anchor bolt sitting on octagon or circular concrete pedestal as per methodologies stated in ASCE Anchorage Design for Petrochemical Facilities-2013 and PIP STE03350 Vertical Vessel Foundation Design Guide-2008 It can design shear key or shear lug as ...
(mm) 3/8(10) 9(225) 14(350) 1/2(13) 12(300) 18(450) 5/8(16) 15(375) 24(600) 3/4(19) 30(750) - 螺旋钢筋适用于混凝土柱、桥墩和钻井沉箱, 但也可用于桩基。不符合 ACI 318(318M)中螺旋 钢筋定义的连续缠绕圆柱螺旋线型钢筋可以在这 些结构物中当作拉条使用。此类钢筋,有时也简称 ...
ACI350,上、下层筋均为38ram。 删 No. 22014王长祥等:国外预应力水池规范AWWAD110—04,AWwAD1l5—06及AcI372R—o3介绍 季誊驴 1.3 池壁及顶板部分 池体结构形状为圆形池体,其包括以下4种 池壁类型:①竖向施加预应力现浇混凝土;②设 置钢隔板喷射混凝土;③设置钢隔板预制混凝 ...
ACI308-213R2013.06.01ACI229RACI562MACI550.2RACI5622013.06.012013.05.012013.04.012013.03.01 ACI318MERTA2013.02.27ACI530/530.12013.01.21ERTAACI307ERTA2013.01.21ACI343.1R2012.11.01 ACI350ERTA2012.09.10ACI408.2RACI362.1RACI548.11RACI437ACI440.3R2012.09.012012.09.012012.09.01...
ACI阀门 美国ACI公司(AutomationComponentsInc.)坐落在美国威斯康辛州(Wisconsin)的米德尔顿(Middleton)工业园,致力于研究及生产楼宇自控和暖通空调节器系统用的各种传感器。该公司在加拿大的蒙克顿(Moncton,位于新不伦瑞克省东南部)和中国的香港设立了分公司,在北京设立了办事处。 ACI公司已授权我公司为中国华东区...