TreatMyAchilles is a unique online service where you can access expert physiotherapy treatment for your Achilles Tendon pain. We combine our clinical experience with the latest research to bring you the most up to date treatment programmes to help your A
The Treatment of Achilles Tendonitis Using Therapeutic LaserTherapy, Laser
Stephanie Pugh and Michael Callaghan, Physiotherapist, Senior Specialist Physiotherapist and Clinical Specialist and Research Associate Institution: Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK A short-cut review was carried out to establish whether eccenctric exercise is beneficial in the treatment of Achille...
Mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy is a common condition, characterised by localised Achilles tendon load-related pain and dysfunction. Numerous non-surgical treatments have been proposed for the treatment of this condition, but many of these treatments h
die aktuelle Evidenz zu den Therapieoptionen bei Erkrankungen am Ansatz der Achillessehne darzustellen. Zur konservativen Erstlinientherapie zählen Reduktion des Aktivitätsniveaus, Gabe von nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR), Adaptation des Schuhwerks, Fersenkeile und ggf. eine Orthese oder...
It remains unclear whether neovascularization has a positive or negative impact on the prognosis of Achilles tendinopathy, and whether treatment should include the eradication or positive influence of neovessels. The purpose of this scoping review was to investigate the effect of ultrasound-guided ...
Werner RA, Franzblau A, Gell N, Ulin SS, Armstrong TJ: A longitudinal study of industrial and clerical workers: predictors of upper extremity tendonitis. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2005, 15: 37-46. 10.1007/s10926-005-0872-1. Article PubMed Google Scholar Fahlström M, Jonsson ...
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Cantin, D; Marks, R: Corticosteroid injections and the treatment of Achilles tendonitis: a narrative review. Res Sports Med. 11:79-97, 2003.Cantin D, Marks R. Corticosteroid Injections and the treatment of achilles tendonitis: a narrative review. Research in Sports Medicine 2003;11:79-97....
TREATMENT effectivenessIntroduction/Purpose: PURPOSE: To identify is PRP is an effective alternative to surgery to decrease pain and increase activities for patients with recalitrant plantar faciiitis and Achilles tendonitis/tendonosis after failing greater than 6 months of appropriate...