Acute Achilles tendon ruptures (AATRs) are a common sporting injury, whether for recreational athletes or elite athletes. Prior research has shown returning to physical activity after extended periods of inactivity leads to increased rates of musculoskeletal injuries. The purpose of this study was to...
The purpose of this study was to investigate rates of acute Achilles' tendon ruptures at a single academic institute in the peri-COVID era, with corollary to the recent NFL season. Methods:A retrospective search was conducted using current procedural terminology to identify the total number of ...
Methods Patients undergoing treatment of an acute Achilles tendon rupture from 2007 to 2011 were identified by cross-referencing ICD-9-CM and CPT codes through the PearlDiver Patient Record Database. Results In total, 12,570 patients were treated for an acute Achilles tendon rupture. The ratio ...
Methods: Under an IRB-approved protocol, Achilles rupture was identified using ICD 9 and ICD10 codes of 727.67 and S86.0. Patients who underwent Achilles tendon primary repair were identified using CPT code 27650 (Repair, primary open or percutaneous, ruptured Achilles tendon). ...
achilles tendonrupturesports injurytendinopathyCategory:SportsIntroduction/Purpose:Achilles tendon ruptures are increasingly common injuries. There are several known risk factors for Achilles tendon rupture, although little is reported on the seasonal variation of the incidence of these injuries. Of the few...
Isolated primary Achilles tendon repairs for acute ruptures were identified by ICD-9 and CPT code. Surgeon information including fellowship training and geographic region, and patient information including age, sex...Bryant HoSandeep SoinAshlee MacDonald...