achilles tendon rupture基本解释 跟腱撕裂;跟腱断裂 分词解释 Achilles〈希神〉阿喀琉斯(希腊勇士,出生后其母握其脚踵倒提着在冥河水中浸过,因此除未浸过的脚踵之外,浑身刀枪不入) tendon〈解〉筋,腱 rupture断裂,破裂猜你喜欢 achilles heel致命弱点 achilles tendon跟腱 creep rupture蠕变断裂 fatigue rupture疲劳...
Ligament 韧带 & Tendon 肌腱 :区别在于韧带连接骨骼与骨骼,肌腱连接肌肉于骨骼,肌腱内部纤维相对更平行,主要负责将肌肉收缩力量传到到骨骼,肌腱的强度要大于韧带,但他的可延展性/弹性不如韧带,(这也是理所应当的,硬质材料更能高效地传导力的作用),同时随着年龄的增长,他俩的硬度&强度双降。
Achilles tendon ruptureGarcia-Rodriguez, Juan AntonioCanadian Family Physician / Médecin de Famille Canadien
The achilles tendon is one of the most commonly injuried tendon in the body. Sudden force for up-down foot movement can tear or rupture the tendon. This is a common injury among adults who play sports involving runing, ...
Operative versus Nonoperative Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon 热度: 跟腱断裂(Achillestendonrupture) 跟腱断裂ruptureofachillestendon英文名称:定义:以跟腱局 部明显肿胀,疼痛,跖屈无力,不能踮脚站立,跛行等为主要表现 的疾病. 主要症状:疼痛,活动受限
Achilles' tendon n. 〈解〉跟腱 tendon rupture 腱破裂,腱破裂 rupture of tendon 肌腱断裂 bursa of Achilles tendon 跟腱囊 相似单词 Achilles n. 阿基里斯 achilles n.[希神]阿基里斯 (解剖学)阿基里斯腱 tendon n. 腱 rupture n.[U] 破裂,断裂,裂开,决裂,敌对 v.[T,I] (使)破裂 Achilles...
这个手术将屈拇长肌腱(flexor hallucis longus tendon,通常称为“FHL”肌腱)转位以加强病变的跟腱。 屈拇长肌腱沿着脚踝和脚的内侧走行。 它负责弯曲大脚趾。 将它转位后可加强跟腱的力量。 Preparation(准备) In preparation for the proce...
The literature suggests that women are less likely than men to experience an Achilles tendon rupture. This may be because women are less capable of generating the large eccentric contractions necessary for rupturing the tendon. Estrogen may also play a protective role....
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of mini-invasive surgical repair of the achilles tendon ruptures with special anastomat. 目的:观察跟腱微创吻合器吻合修复急性跟腱断裂的效果。 2. Interventions for treating acute Achilles tendon ruptures 急性跟腱破裂的干预性治疗 ...
3.Additionally it is especially common in middle-aged men and young people, therefore rupture of Achilles tendon severely influence family and society, it deserve be thought much of.目的:跟腱断裂是骨科常见病,好发于运动员,近年来发病率有逐步上升的趋势。 英文短句/例句 1.CLINICAL APPLICATION OF PERO...