Tendinopathies are challenging conditions frequent in athletes and in middle-aged overweight patients with no history of increased physical activity. The term “tendinopathy” refers to a clinical condition characterised by pain, swelling, and functional
Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a common condition, causing considerable morbidity in athletes and non-athletes alike. Conservative or physical therapies are accepted as first-line management of AT; however, despite a growing volume of research, there remains a lack of high quality studies evaluating ...
Insertional achilles tendinopathy associated with altered transverse compressive and axial tensile strain during ankle dorsiflexion.doi:10.1002/jor.23338Ruth L. ChimentiMary BucklinMeghan KellyJohn KetzAdolph Samuel FlemisterMichael S. RichardsMark R. Buckley...
Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a common condition, causing considerable morbidity in athletes and non-athletes alike. Conservative or physical therapies are accepted as first-line management of AT; however, despite a growing volume of research, there rema
[Rare case of bilateral rupture of the Achilles tendon with no notion of tendinopathy or ankle surgery in a young athlete: report of a case and review of literature].doi:10.11604/PAMJ.2015.20.223.5985Amine BelmoubarikMerouane AbouchaneMohamed Amine Mahraoui...
muscle physiology/performancestair ascenttendinopathy/tendinitisSTUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study; cross-sectional.Chimenti, Ruth L.Flemister, A. SamuelTome, JoshuaMcMahon, James M.Houck, Jeff R.The journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy...
m) kg -1 (-2.24 to -2.12 (N m) kg -1 ), injured: -2.00 (N m) kg -1 (-2.17 to -1.84 (N m) kg -1 ), P = 0.02). The limb demonstrating less peak knee flexion had greater odds of sustaining an AT (OR, 1.29 (1.00-1.65), P = 0.05). Conclusions: Knee and ankle kine...
ankle dorsiflexionPlantar fasciitis (PF) and Achilles tendinopathy (AT) are common injuries that primarily affect people engaged in sport or occupational weightbearing activities. Identifying modifiable risk factors is important for the treatment and prevention of these injuries. The purpose of this study...
Achilles tendinopathyankle powerfoot and ankle biomechanicsBackground: Studies have demonstrated improved ankle dorsiflexion and pain reduction following a gastrocnemius recession (GR) procedure. However, changes in muscle performance during functional activities are not known. The purpose of this study was ...
Purpose: To compare and quantify with ultrasound imaging (USI) the inter-recti distance (IRD), rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique (EO), internal oblique (IO), transversus abdominis (TrAb), and multifidus thickness and the RA and multifidus cross-sec