Achilles tendinopathy (sometimes called achilles tendonitis) is caused by repeated “micro injuries” to the achilles tendon that do not completely heal. The fibrous tissue that connects your heel to the muscles in your leg is called the achilles tendon. The achilles tendon is the strongest tendon...
NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries - Clinical topic - Achilles tendinopathy...Prevalence
Methods. This is a prospective study with 19 patients aged between 26 and 72 years diagnosed with insertional Achilles tendinopathy. The protocol consisted of SWT associated with eccentric exercises for 12 weeks. All patients were evaluated on the first day and after 24 weeks (final follow-up) ...
González, Catalina López, María E. Álvarez, Jorge E. Pérez & Jorge U. Carmona Leukocyte-reduced platelet-rich plasma (LR-PRP) is a therapy for tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon (TAT); however, there is scarce information regarding LR-PRP effects in rabbit models ...
Achilles tendinopathy 2020, Foot and Ankle Surgery Citation Excerpt : However, systematic reviews and meta-analyses have repeatedly concluded that there is insufficient evidence to support a beneficial effect of ultrasound therapy at the current clinical dosages [46]. A pilot randomized controlled trial...
TendinopathyEccentricPhysical therapyA number of studies have indicated that eccentric calf muscle training has beneficial effects in the management of Achilles tendon pain for recreational athletes. The purpose of this prospective randomised single blind pilot study was to investigate their potential ...