The meaning of ACHILLES' HEEL is a vulnerable point. How to use Achilles' heel in a sentence. Did you know?
Achilles Tendon Tear The Achilles is a large tendon located at the rear of the lower leg. The tendon connects the heel bone to the muscles in the back of the calf. It also aids in almost every aspect of mobility, including running, jumping, walking and moving your feet....
The most obvious sign of an Achilles tendon injury is pain above your heel, especially when you stretch your ankle or stand on your toes. It may be mild and get better or worse over time. If your Achilles tendon tears, or ruptures, the pain will start all of a sudden and can be se...
So when someone has a fatal flaw it is referred to as their " Achilles heel" .所以当某人有致命缺陷时,它被称为他们的“阿喀琉斯之踵”。跟腱(人体部位,连接腓骨和脚跟骨)近义词:heel tendon例句:I ruptured my Achilles during a basketball game.(我在打篮球时断裂了我的跟腱。) He was in a ...
Achilles heel Thesaurus Medical Idioms Wikipedia Related to Achilles heel:heel pain n a small but fatal weakness Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
骨科手术早知道001:跟腱延长术(ACHILLES TENDON LENGTHENING) 骨科手术早知道008:跟腱清理术(DEBRIDEMENT OF THE ACHILLES TENDON) 骨科手术早知道016:跟腱断裂的手术治疗(SURGERY FOR ACHILLES TENDON RUPTURE) 骨科手术早知道147:跟腱断裂与修补病人指南( ...
The onset is often sudden, with pain in the region of the tendon, sometimes a faint “pop,” and difficulty walking. Swelling, ecchymosis, tenderness, and sometimes a palpable gap are present at the site of the tear. In partialtendon rupture, active plantar flexion of the ankle may be pre...
doi: Achilles tendon is located where the calf muscle, or gastrocnemius, attaches to the heel bone, or calcaneus. It can tear or rupture during sudden activity, like jumping or sprinting, or during violent tendon stretches. ...
Inflammation of the Achilles tendon.The Achilles is the large tendon connecting the two major calf muscles, gastrocnemius and soleus, to the back of the heel bone.
There are a number of exercises you can do to stretch your Achilles tendon. Here are some of the most popular: Calf Stretch:Place your hands on a wall with one leg straight and the heel to the ground. Place the other leg, with the knee bent, in front of the straight leg and push ...