This chapter explores nostalgia, idolatry and homoerotic subtexts in Wolfgang Petersen’sTroy, a commercially successful classical epic based on events depicted in Homer’sThe Iliad. The chapter begins with a discussion of the ancient landscape seen at the start of the film, locating it within a ...
The 1956 film,Helen of Troymarked the first time Hector appears in movies, this time played by actor Harry Andrews. In the 2004 film Troy, starring Brad Pitt as Achilles, Hector was played by actor Eric Bana. Sources and Further Reading Farron, S. "The Character of Hector in the 'Iliad...
Or Brad Pitt, model, actor, mumbling six-pack and husband of Jennifer Aniston, who played Achilles in the blockbuster Troy that recently laid siege to our patience at the multiplex as if he were, well, a spoilt mediocre film star?Simpson, Mark...
THE EPIC Greek story in the Hollywood movie Troy of bloodthirsty, power-seeking rulers laying ruin to a city has clear parallels with modern British and American leaders and the war in Iraq, the film's stars, Brad Pitt and Saffron Burrows, said yesterday.Jury, Louise...
Achilles TendencyStates the Marlins' Dontrelle Willis enjoyed the 2004 epic film, "Troy". What he liked about the movie, which featured Brad Pitt; Willis' baseball statistics; What other athletes are saying about Willis.Kennedy,...