The story of the Trojan War has been told a hundred different ways over the course of millennia. It has been recounted as an oral tradition, as a written text, as a big-budget Hollywood film. Movie-goers might recall 2004'sTroy, where Patroclus is the cousin and protege of Achilles. Wi...
In book 23 of the Iliad, after Achilles has killed Hector and had his corpse dragged back to the Greek ships, he cries because he is mourning his beloved friend Patroclus, and he sees Hector's death as an act of vengeance. Why did Achilles refuse fight? When Achilles was fighting under...
In book 23 of the Iliad, after Achilles has killed Hector and had his corpse dragged back to the Greek ships, he criesbecause he is mourning his beloved friend Patroclus, and he sees Hector's death as an act of vengeance. Who is a better hero Hector or Achilles? In the movie Troy, ...
Patroclus. After fighting in theTrojan War, Odysseus takes on a journey to return back to Ithaca to see his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus. Through his use of tone, figurative language, mood, and imagery, Homer’s epic poems TheIliadand The Odyssey show how Achilles and Odysseus...
Thetis goes to Hephaestus because Achilles armor is in the hands of Hector who killed Achilles dear friend Patroclus. 1639 Words 7 Pages Good Essays Read More Differences Between The Iliad And The Movie Troy Contrastingly, the gods are purely mentioned in the film with the exception of the ...