LyondellBasell's approach to achieving net zero emissions for its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by 2050 will build upon the progress achieved over the balance of this decade. In addition to these strategies, the company has begun evaluating a portfolio of technology options that could be deploy...
HOUSTONandLONDON,Sept. 29, 2021/PRNewswire/ -- LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced its ambition of, and approach to, achieving net zero emissions from global operations by 2050. As an interim step toward 2050, the company also announced a strategy to achieve an absolute r...
(2021), capturing CO2 transforms it from an expense or waste product to an opportunity. Depending on how it is used, this technology could contribute to net-zero and negative emissions. The biological mechanism by which CO2 is converted into biomass in microalgae-based CCU, which is ...
(UNEP, 2023), the World Green Building Council's AdvancingNet Zeroprogram (World Green Building Council, 2023a), theUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change(Chazournes, 1996), the International Energy Agency's Energy Efficiency in Buildings program (International Energy Agency, 2011,...
The European Commission (EC) has set a target to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 (relative to 1990) with a 2050 'net-zero' target. CO2 emissions are generally classified as Scope 1, 2 or 3. The Green House Gas protocol1 refers to Scope 1-3 emissions for greenhouse gases in ...
Net-zero:a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere. ESG:environment, social and governance, which refers to the three central factors in measuring the sust...
s Green Financing Framework or the UN-backed Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, which convenes financial institutions to align their investment portfolios with Paris Agreement targets. The European Green Deal, as yetthe largest green financing project to be announced, seeks to mobilise €1.8 ...
Although the deployment of H2 as a clean energy source is growing, it is still insufficient to contribute to the global effort to achieve NZEs by the year 2050. By 2030, if every technological plan that has been announced materializes, compared to the net zero energy scenario's more than ...
1 Introduction Recent years have seen human performance levels reached or surpassed in tasks ranging from games such as Go [32] to classification of images in ImageNet [20] to conversational speech recognition on the Switchboard task [49]. In the area of machine translation, we have seen ...
{P}). When considering the mean per joint position distance, a non-zero distance exists betweenX_1andX_2. However, after encoding these motions into the MS, the distance between them becomes zero. This property demonstrates that MS achieves invariance in both viewing distance and viewing angle...