When getting ahead on the job requires going back to school, leverage Achieve Test Prep’s online pathways to test out of college courses, prep for nursing or dental exams and fast track your next step. RN to BSN LPN to BSN LPN to RN ...
Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist(核医学技术) Nursing Registered Nurse Training (RN, ASN, BSN, MSN)(护理—注册护士培训) Nursing Education(护理教育) Nursing Practice(护理实务) Nursing Science (MS, PhD)(护理学) Occupational Therapy/Therapist(职业治疗/治疗师) Orthotist/Prosthetist(义肢矫形师) Pha...
Building Healthy Communities to Achieve People's HealthConference Sponsor:Sigma Theta Tau InternationalConference Year:2008Author:Liu, Jianfen, MSN, RNP.I. Institution Name:Peking Union Medical CollegeTitle:Associate ProfessorEmail:liupumc2003@yahoo.comCo-Authors:Huaping Liu, PhD, RN and Pamela Hoyt,...
Issues up closeThe FOURTH RECOMMENDATION in the Institute of Medicine's (IOM) groundbreaking report, The...McMenamin, PeterDavis, MaryAmerican Nurse Today