TRAN (TRN) CODE The 3 digit Canadian Payment Association (CPA) or Automated Clearing House (ACH) code that describes the type of payment. # TRANSACTIONS AFFECTED The number of transactions affected by a mass request. V VALUE DATE The date when direct deposits are available to the receivers,...
the tranlation coordinates are added.Using a matrixto set a Matrix4 at constructor , we can pass ther values as arguments (16values) row by row. it is easier to the eye to align them to look like a coulmn major form matrix, 3JS as we said stores them in memory in its own way ...
(Numeri c) Account number Transaction amount ID number Numeric Numeric Numeric Total debit Batch count amount Numeric Batch credit Batch debit amount amount Numeric Numeric Payee name Trace ID Alphanumer Numeric ic Batch number Numeric Addenda Alphanumeric Tran sacti ons (in the batc h) Num eric...