这一改进主要是为了减少在认证检查时对专业基地的负担,同时又能加强平时的监管,这个新的认证系统称为新一代认证系统(Next Accreditation System, NAS)[2]。NAS实行以后,ACGME每年加强了对专业基地的年度检查,其中包括网络上(WebADs)自我汇报(Self-Report,包括Milestones),对以前基地问题的改进情况进行评估,住院医师调查...
Evaluating whether a resident is qualified to graduate from an accredited orthopaedic surgery residency program remains a major educational challenge. To this point, residency programs have lacked robust approaches to measure resident performance.In response, the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical ...
ACGME duty-hour recommendations—a national survey of residency program directors. N Engl J Med. 2010;363(8):e12.PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 13. Drolet BC, Sangisetty S, Tracy TF, Cioffi WG. Surgical residents’ perceptions of 2011 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education duty ...
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ACGME-I Foundational Program Requirements 3 requests for the following: (1) all applications for ACGME-I accreditation of new programs; (2) changes in resident complement; (3) major changes in program structure or length of training; (4) progress reports requested by the ACGME-I Rev...
In this article the authors comments the common program requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for resident supervision and duty hours in the U.S. They applaud on ACGME's continued efforts to promote resident education, workload, and patient safety. The ...
RESIDENTS (Medicine)ACCREDITATION Council for Graduate Medical Education (U.S.)GERIATRICSINTERNAL medicine educationHEALTH services accessibilityCLINICAL competenceCURRICULUMHOSPITAL medical staffHome visits (HVs) are increasingly important in ensuring access to healthcare as the US population ages. In ...
survey of residency program directors to determine their insights on proposed recommendations by the Duty Hour Task Force of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medication Education (ACGME) with regards to residents' duty hours. Most survey respondents support the ACGME recommendations with regards to...
The article discusses the results of a national survey on the perspectives of directors of residency programs on the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) regulation of supervision and duty hours. The survey reported the opinions of respondents on the effects of the revised ...
IMPORTANCE In 2011, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) restricted resident duty hour requirements beyond those established in 2003, leading to concerns about the effects on patient care and resident training. OBJECTIVE To determine if the 2011 ACGME duty hour reform was ...