美国的医师规培特别强调同质化的培训,即希望全美所有ACGME认证基地培训出来的住院医师质量在他们规培结束后都能做到基本相同知识与技能。 ACGME自1981年成立以来,经过30多年的发展,目前管理认证800个培训机构(ACGME accredited institutions)中的150个专业和亚专业的10 000个左右培训基地(Residency and Fellowship Programs)...
This system is designed to evaluate residents, assess programs, and assure the public that graduates of accredited residencies are safe, competent, practicing orthopaedic surgeons.The goal of this article is to outPaulDetroitJ.DetroitDougherty
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Introduction On July 1, 2011, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) implemented new duty hour reforms for all ACGME-accredited residency programs.1 The revisions maintain the weekly limit of 80 hours set forth by the 2003 duty hour reforms2 but reduced the work hour li...
programs; (2) changes in resident complement; (3) major changes in program structure or length of training; (4) progress reports requested by the ACGME-I Review Committee; (5) responses to all proposed adverse actions; (6) voluntary withdrawals of ACGME-I accredited programs; (7)...
Resolution 42 (A/2000), the Approval of ACGME (Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education) Training as an AOA-Approved Internship, requires that trainees justify a special circumstance requiring them to seek ACGME-accredited training, and complete all rotational requirements of an AOA-approved...
EXPOSURES National implementation of revised resident duty hour requirements on July 1, 2011, in all ACGME accredited residency programs. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Primary outcome was a composite of death or serious morbidity; secondary outcomes were other postoperative complications and resident ...