Producción de aceros al carbono en hornos de arco eléctrico en condiciones de mineral de manganeso. (Spanish).This present work constitutes the second stage of investigation in relation with the steel production by means of electric arc furnaces in the condition of use of manganese ores as a ...
UTILIZACIN DEL MINERAL DE MANGANESO (PIROLUSITA) EN LA PRODUCCIN DE ACEROS AL CARBONO. (Spanish).(English):The traditional methods of steel production use the ferromanganese to obtain the percentage of Mn in the established mark according to the Cuban norm, but this compound is highly expensive...
Alomar, 2006] Alomar, A.; Aproximacion al control de la microestructura de dos aceros microaleados con contenido medio de carbono en condiciones de conformado en caliente; Revista de Metalurgia, pags. 103-113, 2006.Omar, A., Chenaoui, A., Dkiouak, R. y Prado, J. M., Aproximacion...