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The laptop starting turning off randomly even though the battery was charged, but afterwards I was able to turn it on.
Battery 18650 2000mAh 3.7V Rechargeable Li ion Battery For SAMSUMG 18650 20RTLIDA Factory Wholesale phone battery high capacity BLP835 for OPPO Reno5 A94replacement laptop batterya1331 batteryphone batterylg g2 battery3.7V 1000MAH Rechargeable battery SLB-1137D SLB1137D SLB 1137D for Samsung ...
可惜价格太高,海鲜市场的货全都是贩子们主宰的,而且出手的这个 HP 由于是当时情急之下,仅仅为了个高刷特性,在没有任何思考的情况就高价买入的,算下来出手就亏掉了 40% 最后发现 ACER 的 Spin5 SP513-54N 13.5 的翻转本,外观,需求各方面都满足使用需求,2K 触控,i5 1035g4 / 16G 只要 3000 多,很是便宜。
spin 5. i decided to leave in the replacement battery as the old battery was acting funny and draining quickly at times. but i am glad i didnt send in my unit to fixed for $680+ 0 answers what spin model do you have, if not sp314-51 or sp513-51 that have soldered ram, you ...
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Take your creativity with you, anywhere you go. Thin and lightweight, the convertible Spin 5 laptop combines an interactive display, long battery life, and strong performance to make it the ideal on-the-go companion for any profession.
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匹配型号:Acer Spin 5 SP513-54N Laptops Touch Screen Stylus Pen NC.23811.07H。就是翻转屏这款手写笔。 Acer Spin 5 SP513-54N 原机自带触摸压感手写笔,不需要安装电池。 直接插入预留机身侧面,方便拿取,出差也方便。 下面是实物到货拍摄,2种颜色区别仅是尾部颜色不同,其他的没有区别。 实物到货2个颜色...
宏基Spin5 series N19W3 SP513-54N-72RZ触摸屏总成NE135FBM-N41 深圳市飞悦科技有限公司11年 月均发货速度:暂无记录 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥700.00成交4片 明基EX2780Q VG271 FI27Q宏基VG270UP VG27AQ Q27G2S碎屏换屏 深圳市永安吉科技有限公司6年 ...