名称:Acer Rubrum 'Red Sunset II',也称二代改良夕阳红。 二代是对夕阳红枫的抗虫性基因表达进行改良,而其观赏性状继续保留着夕阳红枫的优秀性状。 耐寒:-35°C 树形:直立、冠卵圆形,主干明显。高13米、冠幅11米。 叶色:春夏叶色深绿,秋色橙红和深红,明亮具荧光。
Terminal, unbranched Acer rubrum L. 'Red Sunset' softwood stem cuttings were rooted on 16 June 1980. Treatments consisted of an 18.0 N-2.6 P-10.0 K Osmocote (5.4 kg m 3) amended medium, a 20.0 N-8.6 P-16.6 K (200 mg l 1 N) liquid fertilizer applied every 3 days after rooting ...
Acerrubrum;RedMaple •Thesetreeswilltolerateahigh watertableandareverytolerantofmostsoiltypes.Itdoespreferslightlyacidconditions,sothisareaisperfect.Itisalsotolerantofozoneandsulfurdioxide.•Itisgodasaresidentialstreet tree,inparksandlawns,Avoidareaswithtinymowstrips,asitwillpop-upsidewalksfasterthanmanyother...
15、son Red, orange, yellow Sun Exposure Sun to part shade Zones5-8 Soil Moisture Drought tolerant,Acer rubrum Red Sunset; Red Sunset Red Maple,Considered one of the best trees for early fall color! This is a large deciduous tree that has pyramidal form when young becoming rounded with age...
Red Maple, Acer Rubrum. The red maple tree grows in zones 3 to 9, the red maple tree is deciduous, and it loses its leaves every year in the fall then grows new leaves in the spring. The red maple tree grows at -
, red maple (Acer rubrum L.), and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) indicated that stand transpiration peaked at 2.2 mm day(-1) in mid-... Wullschleger,SD,Hanson,... - 《Forest Ecology & Management》 被引量: 449发表: 2001年 Foliar temperature-respiration response functions for...
Mean stem height of container-grown `Red Sunset' maple was 8.77 ft (2.67 m) using 300 ppm N; field-grown `Heritage' birch 12.7 ft (3.9 m) using 100 ppm N, and container grown `Snowdrift' crabapple 8.85 ft (2.7 m) using 150 ppm N. All container fertilize...
Red Sunset red maples (Acer rubrum) are more resistant to O. aceris than 'Autumn Blaze' Freeman maple (Acer x fremanii). Examination of leaves indicated that the mite resistant Red Sunset trees had more leaf domatia than those from Autumn Blaze. Laboratory assays found that maple cultivars ...
Acer rubrum 'Franksred' RED SUNSET Acer rubrum 'Franksred' RED SUNSET是无患子科植物。Acer rubrum 'Franksred' RED SUNSET的树高是40-50英尺,树幅是30至40英尺,三月开花,养护成本低。