第12 代的遊戲專用筆記型電腦 Predator Helios 300,配備超卓的散熱技術、超高速顯示卡,以及一系列有助提升表現的功能。
if your predator helios 300 ph315-55-xxxx is only 4 month old and that firmware update has done that to your rtx3060 gpu, then its covered under acer warranty, don't do anything to your laptop, don't open it or damage it, go to the acer support site in your country and book a ...
PREDATOR HELIOS 300Model: Part: NH.QGFEX.00BCompare Support Back To Top Products Laptops Desktops Monitors Electronics & Accessories Gaming Chairs Networking eMobility Support Acer ID Register a Product Acer Community Drivers and Manuals Acer Answers Contact Support Resources ...
Where can I get an updated driver for the GTX1060 card in the Predator Helios 300 (G3-571) gaming notebook? Some games or applications may require you to install the latest NVIDIA video driver for your product. NVIDIA released an updated driver (version 382.33) for the GTX 1060 on 5/22...
除了Predator Triton 300 SE,宏碁还发布了Predator Helios 300,这款定位更高,颜值更高,配置也更强大,适合*级游戏玩家。 Predator Helios 300是该家族的*级游戏本,设计更为粗狂霸气,棱角分明,机身背后的排气孔很战斗,酷似兰博基尼超跑赛车尾裙。当然,机身A面也集成了背光灯效装饰,采用铝镁合金材质,配有全尺寸背光...
Predator掠夺者系列是acer 宏碁在2016年独立的专攻高端PC、电竞屏和游戏笔电高端市场系列,希望可以与与华硕ROG和微星GAMING正面对抗,这款acer 宏碁 Predator Helios 300 15.6寸游戏本定位主流,造型犀利,采用一颗i7-8750H标压处理器,16GB内存+256GB SSD,GTX1060显卡,6GB显存,搭配一块15.6寸FHD屏幕,双风扇散热,电池最高...
The Acer Predator Helios 300 SpatialLabs Edition has a stereoscopic 3D display without the need for glasses, similar to Nintendo's 3DS.
Hi, I have an Acer Predator Helios 300 (2022 model) that is abruptly shutting down. I checked the status using the Performance and diagnostics monitor and the following error was reported. [Cause: A device has reported a "Not OK" status.Details: The device...
Hi, I have an Acer Predator Helios 300 (2022 model) that is abruptly shutting down. I checked the status using the Performance and diagnostics monitor and the following error was reported. [Cause: A device has reported a "Not OK" status.Details: Th...
至于生物识别技术,这款 2021 Acer Predator Helios 300 上没有任何生物识别技术。硬件和性能 我们的测试型号是 2021 PH315-54 型号中 Acer Predator Helios 300 的顶级配置,配备 Intel Core i7-11800H 处理器、32 GB DDR4-3200 RAM、RAID 0 中的 2×1 TB 存储空间,和双显卡:Nvidia RTX 3070 dGPU 和 ...