nitro gaming acer nitro 5 cpu temp problem.cpu temperature is too high (70-95) howiepham member posts: 3 new user january 26 edited january 26 hi guys, i have a problem that my cpu temperature is too high (70-95) even if my laptop is not running any heavy app or in idle state....
acer brands acer nitro 5 an515-57 cpu throttling started to drop random 0.18ghz temperature is at around 45-50c member posts: 4 new user i have an acer nitro 5 an515-57 and recently the cpu started to drop randomly to 0.18ghz. i searched for solutions and can't find anything. the ...
After waking upafter sleep,Nitrosense no longer sees the GPU usage & tempand seems to be unable to adjust fan speeds to GPU temperature.The GPU is working and NVidia Experience app still sees all the info. As a result, certain games make the GPU overheat and, in worst cases, I think ...
nitro gaming nitro 5 an515-57 cpu temp goes to 92 while gamming dipson member posts: 1 new user may 2022 edited may 2022 with room temperature of 24 or 26c is it normal or its device fault iam kinda worried its intel i5 11gen varient with rtx 3050 with dual channel ram answers ...
4,148 pathfinder february 2021 @dorlygg nitro products are engineered to withstand higher operating temperatures than traditional notebooks. these systems include features that help with cooling and heat dispersion. the cpu and gpu are designed to handle temperature spikes in excess of 98 degrees ...
2 new user september 2020 yes, same issues. this computer has a very very lame feature in which the cpu slows down to 2 ghz when the temperature reaches only 75 degrees c, its very lame because 75 degrees is nowhere near hot enough for a gaming laptop to slow down, ...
5 new user july 2024 edited july 2024 in nitro gaming my nitro sense tells me that my gpu is in discrete idle mode, even when i play a high-end game like destiny 2. now when it is idling while i'm playing these games my temperature for the cpu goes up to like ...
Thank you for your participation in the Acer Support Forums. When using power high performance your CPU will run at higher speeds most of the time. It also increases other components energy usage, that may be the reason the temperature is higher, however there is not reason to worry , ...
7,774 pathfinder october 2023 check my comment from below link- windows 10/11 optimization guide...
@1337braz open nitrosense and minimize it, then play your game after sometime when there is throttling minimize your game and check temperature in nitrosense immediately. 0 member posts: 27 enthusiast @gaming6698 nitro sense is always running. temperatures match on ...