Nitro 5 AN515-46-R77B 電競筆電 HDMI 和 HDMI 高畫質多媒體介面用語以及 HDMI 標誌均為 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 在美國及其他國家/地區的商標或註冊商標。 NVIDIA GPU Boost: 電池續航力會因機型與組態而異。實際電池續航力...
NVIDIA GPU Boost: Battery life may vary depending on model and configuration. Actual battery life varies by model, configuration (including storage capacity, RAM capacity, processor in use, display type and resolution, etc.),...
Используйтеигровойноутбук Acer Nitro 5 набазепроцессора AMD Ryzen™ серии 6000 с 15- или 17-дюймовымэкраномвкачественоутбукадляповседневныхиг
Go full throttle with the Acer Nitro 5 AMD Ryzen™ 6000 Series gaming laptop in either 15 or 17 inch models – whether using it as a laptop for casual gaming or ranking up online.
The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries. NVIDIA GPU Boost: ...
1 new user the maximum ram allowance is at least 64 gb as i have installed 2 32gb ddr5 sodimm sticks into my nitro 5 an515-46 and it is working just fine. 0 member posts: 5 tinkerer this laptop can have so much ssd you want. i have 1tb wd sn850 in the first slot and a wd ...
Home Продукты—ноутбуки Nitro Nitro 5 AMD NH.QGXCD.001 Nitro 5 AN515-46-R9K5 ИгровойноутбукМодель: AN515-46-R9K5Деталь: NH.QGXCD.001Сравнить Обзор Техническиехарактеристики Под...
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Працюйтенаповнуз ігровимноутбуком Acer Nitro 5 AMD Ryzen™ серії 6000 із діагоналлю 15 або 17 дюймів, якийможнавикористовуватиякноутбукдл