Acer aspire a515 51g some keyboard button not working like a alt and x these key not working properly some time working and most of the time not working also power button not working properly i have to press long time to power on my laptop please help me
I have new Aspire e1-531 notebook pc.but keyboard not working properly.When i press '@' symbol , double quote is printing on screen.Then # symbol instead of £ …
Acer Nitro 5 Keyboard Backlights Not Working: So a while they randomly stopped working, won't light up, my drivers are up to date, i've restarted many times since it happened, i've reset my computer to the default settings, tried fn + f9, a bunch of stuff, and they still won't ...
with the same result of not picking up any problem with the wifi driver. I have also checked the properties of the Atheros driver through device manager, which claims: ‘This device is working properly.’
Acer Nitro 5 Keyboard Backlights Not Working: So a while they randomly stopped working, won't light up, my drivers are up to date, i've restarted many times since it happened, i've reset my computer to the default settings, tried fn + f9, a bunch of stuff, and they still won't ...
型号名称V5-471P 屏幕尺寸14 英寸 颜色Silky Silver 硬盘大小500 GB CPU 型号Core i5 3337U 安装的 RAM 内存大小4 GB 操作系统Windows 8 显卡说明Integrated 图形协处理器Intel HD Graphics 4000 查看更多 关于该商品 英特尔酷睿 i5 – 3337U 1.8 GHz ( 3 MB 高速缓存 ) ...
Some users have reported issues with Windows 10 not properly resuming from sleep mode. Below are some suggestions you can use if your system is having problems waking from sleep mode. Disable Hibernation Press the Windows ( ) key and the letter X on your keyboard at the same time. Select ...
The keyboard does not respond. Try attaching an external keyboard to a USB port on the computer. If it works, contact your dealer or an authorized service center as the internal keyboard cable may be loose. The printer does not work. • Make sure that the printer is connected to a ...
•WakethemonitorwhenitisinActiveOffmode,movethemouseorpressanykeyboard key. Tipsandinformationforcomfortableuse Computerusersmaycomplainofeyestrainandheadachesafterprolongeduse.Usersare alsoatriskofphysicalinjuryafterlonghoursofworkinginfrontofacomputer.Longwork periods,badposture,poorworkhabits,stress,inadequateworkin...
4Donotcoverorobstructthe coolingfan openings. 14-Usingthekeyboard USINGTHEKEYBOARD Thekeyboardhasfull-sizedkeysandaseparatenumerickeypad, separatecursor,lock,Windows,functionandspecialkeys. Lockkeys Thekeyboardhasthreelockkeyswhichyoucantoggleonandoff. ...