3. Use the up-arrow or down-arrow keys to navigate to the Action Keys Mode option, and then press the "Enter" key to display the Enable / Disable menu. 4. Select the desired mode. 5. Press "F10" to save your settings and restart the computer and function key option will be Disabl...
disable menu. 4. select the desired mode. 5. press "f10" to save your settings and restart the computer and function key option will be disabled, . 0 yes, it looks like they never enabled that in the bios. if it were available it might be hidden and a ctrl-s would ...
•Enable/DisablesupportUSB/TBTwake USB/TBTWakefrom [Enabled]/[Disabled]fromS4. S4Support •Thedefaultvalueis[Disabled]. •MediaKey:Functionkeysperformthe mediafunctionbydefault.HoldFnto activateF1toF12. •FunctionKey:FunctionkeysactivateF1to F12bydefault.HoldFntoperformmedia functions. •Mediafun...
Disable the function key function. In case of any issue, contact Acer support number. Update your Acer keyboard drivers: Download the driver easy software. Driver easy will not only download the updates for your Acer keyboard but also download the update for the rest of the Acer laptop drivers...
• Auto Source: Select On to enable auto search for signal source in order or Off to disable this function. • Hotkey Assigment: Select the function of shortcut key 1(Modes, Ref.white / Peak. white (nits), Volume, Gamma, Contrast, Blue Light, Over Drive) and ...
Thekeyboardhasfull-sizedkeysandaseparatenumerickeypad, separatecursor,lock,Windows,functionandspecialkeys. Lockkeys Thekeyboardhasthreelockkeyswhichyoucantoggleonandoff. LockkeyDescription WhenCapsLockison,allalphabeticcharacters CapsLock typedareinuppercase. WhenNumLockison,thekeypadisinnumeric mode.Thekeysfuncti...
7.SelectPoweroffUSBchargeCON/OFFloenableydisablePower-offAUDIOIN(optionall|DP(optionalSomesocketsmay finotavailableforsome USBcnargefunction(Optionan)AUDIGOUT(optional|USBTypee(optional}|models, Externalcontrol NolemDescription 由 人1EeePoweron/LongpresstoPowerof Enterthemainmenu,SelecyAdjustmenuoptions. ...
This function is not thread safe.void tst_set_max_runtime(int max_runtime);Allows for setting max_runtime per test iteration dynamically in the test 'setup()', the timeout is specified in seconds. There are a few testcases whose runtime can vary arbitrarily, these can disable timeouts ...
You should not use the strerror() function in the testcases.const char *tst_strstatus(int status);Returns string describing the status as returned by wait(). This function is not thread safe.void tst_set_max_runtime(int max_runtime);...
function CheckIIS():boolean; begin Result:=not RegKeyExists(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IISExpress\8.0'); end; function GetCustomSetupExitCode(): Integer; begin if (IsDotNET40Detected = false) then begin MsgBox('.NET Framework 未能正确安装!',mbError, MB_OK); ...