It’s not an easy task to find and locate the exact drivers for your device. If you are not able to update the graphic drivers for Windows 10 by all the above methods then you can surely consider Driver Restore. It is the highly recommended way to up to date Acer drivers Windows 10 ...
acer e1-571 i53230m版 clover配置文件,efi启动。以前用变色龙,现在改用efi+clover,启动更快,无...
so likely it's not going to be worth it to try and fix the issues. I would have really expected the SFC/DISM combination to have fixed it if it were corrupted drivers…
本人机器:acer E1-571G 屏幕尺寸:15.6英寸 1366x768 CPU型号:Intel 酷睿i5 3230M CPU主频:2.6...
Hi Samuel, this legacy laptop with Window 8.1, possibly upgraded to W10 is no longer supported by Acer and Microsoft, Windows10 becomes obsolete next year, and I recommend continuing using the drivers and BIOS you have now or install LINUX OS. Don't install drivers/firmware from...
品牌宏碁(ACER) 平台Intel平台 型号E1-571-33114G50MNKS 颜色范围黑 颜色黑色 操作系统其它 产品定位商务便携 外形尺寸15.6英寸 厚度规格普通轻薄 厚度25.4-33.2mm 重量2.45Kg 处理器 处理器描述intel i3 处理器系列英特尔 酷睿i3 3代系列 CPU型号Intel 酷睿i3 3110M ...
E1-571同E1-471都是是定位为新一代高性价比系列,但E-571系列为15寸屏幕,同样采用新的模具,缓解了之前流行的AS475X系列模具的审美疲劳。今天推荐的这款E1-571系列的笔记本电脑型号为53214G50Mnks,配置为15.6英寸LED背光屏幕,采用第三代IVB架构酷睿i5-3210M处理器(2.5GHz,睿频可达3.10GHz),4GB DDR3内存,500GB硬...
首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 续费VIP 客户端 登录 百度文库 互联网 ACER E1-571 E1-571G 拆机图ACER (宏碁)E1-571 E1-571G拆机详图辑 文件合辑(屏拆图) E1-571(G) file/bai123du/19907dcf/©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销...
宏碁Acer E1-571-53214G50Mnks 主要参数 处理器型号:Intel 酷睿i5 3210M 内存容量:4GB 硬盘容量:500GB 屏幕尺寸:15.6英寸 屏幕分辨率:1366×768 显卡类型:核芯显卡 显卡芯片:Intel GMA HD 4000 显存容量:共享内存容量 查看全部参数 宏碁Acer E1-571-53214G50Mnks 和网友推荐品对比 ...