宏基Aspire V..电脑型号:Aspire V5-473G(原版,未进行任何改装)操作系统:Win8.1(64位)晚上手贱,看世界杯决赛的时候将360安全卫士点开了,然后一会看直播使用的BETV就没了流量,画面彻底卡住。
第一种,电源开关后立刻按F2键。通常在开始自检时,如果看到“Press F2 to enter setup”这样的提示,就说明按下F2键就可以进入bios。如果,没有可能是速度有点慢,可以重复这个过程。第二种,使用启动菜单进入bios。按下电源键并立即按住F12键,然后在启动菜单出现之前等待一到两秒钟。在启动菜单中选择“Enter Set...
电脑型号 宏碁 Aspire V5-471G 笔记本电脑 Acer V5-471G-323b4G50Mabb 操作系统 Windows 10 ...
Acer Aspire V5-431G BIOS 1.05 free download. Get the latest version now. Intel Pentium 987 1.50 GHz Dual-core
x Acer Aspire V5-431 Bios 修好的机子进系统里备份的。Acer Aspire-V5-431-PhoenixTechnologiesLtd.-...
http://community.acer.com/t5/V-and-VN-Series-Laptops/Aspire-V5-431P-F2-does-not-enter-BIOS-and-wont-boot/m-p/403438#U403438 http://community.acer.com/t5/Legacy-Laptops-and-Netbooks/V5-431-Operating-System-Not-Found-AND-F2-BIOS-Entry-not-working/m-p/359844#U359844 ...
x ACER V5-122P的超薄本,WIN8的系统,改成WIN7后装好显卡驱动重启就黑屏,拨掉充电器又能正常显示...
1,670 community aficionado the bios chip lives on the main board. fn key + f2 is sleep mode. i would say that the speed of the usb port is governed by the device that is hooked to it . 0 member posts: 6 tinkerer didn't work even click the sleep from windows start bar. aspire ...
1,620 community aficionado the bios chip lives on the main board. fn key + f2 is sleep mode. i would say that the speed of the usb port is governed by the device that is hooked to it . 0 member posts: 6 tinkerer didn't work even click the sleep from windows start bar. aspire ...
1,676 community aficionado the bios chip lives on the main board. fn key + f2 is sleep mode. i would say that the speed of the usb port is governed by the device that is hooked to it . 0 member posts: 6 tinkerer didn't work even click the sleep from windows start bar. aspire...