宏碁新款AspireE系列笔记本电脑,丰富的色彩选择搭配流线造型的机身,利用3D扫描与雷射雕刻技术打造,织纹设计搭配对比色的大胆视觉呈现.本系列笔记本内建Acer True Harmony独家音效调校技术,将硬件与音讯软体结合调整,不仅原音重现,音域更加宽广多层次,并内建DVDRW光碟机,支持M-DISCREADY,提供使用者最佳的影音效果.vip数码...
美国亚马逊 Acer Aspire E5-573G-59C3 15.6" Laptop Intel Core i5 5200U (2.20GHz) 8GB Memory 1TB HDD 8GB SSD NVIDIA GeForce 940M 2GB Bluetooth4.0 Windows 8.1历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Acer Aspire E5-573G-59C3 15.6" Laptop Intel Core i5 5200U (2.20GHz) 8G
http://global-download.acer.com/GDFiles/Driver/MgmtEngine/MgmtEngine_Intel_11.0.0.1153_W10x64_A.zip?acerid=635735810937652823&Step1=NOTEBOOK&Step2=ASPIRE&Step3=ASPIRE%20E5-573G&OS=ALL&LC=en&BC=ACER&SC=PA_6 Acer power management: http://global-download.acer.com/GDFiles/Application/ePower/eP...
其中作为微软的重要合作伙伴,早有充分准备的Acer宏碁更是在Windows 10发布的当天,就推出了预装Windows 10操作系统的多款新产品——4款Aspire Switch变形系列SW3-013炫彩二合一以及1款Aspire E系列E5-573G笔记本。 细心的读者也许注意到了,这5款变形本与笔记本全部都是Acer宏碁目前在市场上最畅销的的拳头产品,Acer宏碁...
2015 archives aspire e5-573g usb 3.0 "power surge on the usb port" with nothing plugged in karatekidmonkey member posts: 15 tinkerer december 2015 in 2015 archives i know that i will not get a straight answer here from the acer support "professionals", but i guess i should try... i ...
2015 archives aspire e5-573g usb 3.0 "power surge on the usb port" with nothing plugged in karatekidmonkey member posts: 15 tinkerer december 2015 in 2015 archives i know that i will not get a straight answer here from the acer support "professionals", but i guess i should try... i ...
15 troubleshooter february 2019 edited august 2023 in 2019 archives i have an aspire e5-573g laptop that i bought new in 2015. over the last few months, i feel the usb ports have been slowly dying; things involving led lights or fans end up with variable amounts of power if i wiggle...
2015 archives aspire e5-573g usb 3.0 "power surge on the usb port" with nothing plugged in karatekidmonkey member posts: 15 tinkerer december 2015 in 2015 archives i know that i will not get a straight answer here from the acer support "professionals", but i guess i should try... i ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现Acer宏基Aspire E15 E5-575G-53VG-5341 F5-573G宏碁AS16B5J AS16B8J笔记本电脑电池电板F15 N16Q2非原装原厂的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于Acer宏基Aspire E15 E5-575G-53VG-