I have an Acer Aspire V3-571G53214G50Maii laptop with i5-3230 since 2013. I want to improve productively by replacing the processor with the I7-3720QM, but there is no certainty that it will work. The maximum configuration that I saw for the V3-571G configuration is the I73630QM. The...
1 new user february 2022 edited august 2024 in aspire laptops hello all. i want to upgrade the cpu of my veteran acer aspire 7741g. it been out of commission for quite some time, as a newfound hobby i like to fix laptops of any age, and i finally got a ne...
Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:16 amPost subject: Acer Aspire 5730Z cpu upgrade is there the posibility to add this cpu "Intel Core2Duo T9400 2.53G/6M/1066SLGE5Socket P" to my acer aspire 5730z? i did have replaced the original cpu (intel core 2 duo T3200 667) whit a T5750 667...
如果只换17W的CPU,最高可换i7-3687U,如果散热功耗都可以,可以换i7-3540M(注意一定是BGA版本),都需要BGA焊台 据说
CPU 600多分显卡30分内存130多分硬盘30分总体1100多分这个系列是集成APU的,所以集成显卡是个重点不知道是驱动还没完善还是其他,在那个测试场景,会一卡一卡得走完每秒平均30帧的速度,曾经在R9550时代也试过,不同的驱动,结果非常不一样,有的卡的一顿一顿的,但有个版本的驱动却还算顺畅的,驱动依旧是AMD也就是...
笔记本CPU可以换 但是你的这个是 Intel 奔腾双核 1007 功耗和散热和I系列都有不小的差别 建议别换 换U还要换搭配的主板和散热等等 还得专业的去搞 要价不会低的 感觉CPU不给力重新买个本吧 现在I5 I7的本也不贵
本篇文章主要介绍,不计成本的将一款笔记本从升级bios, 更换cpu, 加装内存、硬盘的方式升级到极致,看性能能提升到某种程度。并安装Big Sur (Mac Os 11)黑苹果系统,使黑苹果达到98%以上,支持wifi, 蓝牙和隔空投送。 宏碁acer E1-471g 宏碁acer E1-471g ...
求一个宏碁aspire 4552g最新bios,AMD平台的 Paresseux12 如题所示,各位大佬们,我最近收了一台比较老的宏碁aspire4542g笔记本,想装个光驱位硬盘,但是装完进不去系统甚至连bios都进不去,所以希望可以升级一下bios,希望各位大佬可以帮帮忙🙏🙏🙏 Paresseux12 12-15 1 抱着我的古董提个问 Once 电脑E5...