Acemal Nv Sa公司的提单样本 提单号SHPT90425335 到港日:2024-08-12 产品 运输 公司 集装箱号:FDCU0488636 × 货物#1 描述1 TV 8 OVEN 1 SET OF SPARE PARTS 关键词spare parts海关编码数据不可用件数1 长度480高度108 宽度96装箱状态Loaded 密封条ANT033675设备描述00 ...
Lichen-inhabiting fungi are highly specialized mycoparasites, commensals or rarely saprotrophs, that are common components of almost every ecosystem, where they develop obligate associations with lichens. Their relevance, however, contrasts with the relatively small number of these fungi described so ...
Lichen-inhabiting fungi are highly specialized mycoparasites, commensals or rarely saprotrophs, that are common components of almost every ecosystem, where they develop obligate associations with lichens. Their relevance, however, contrasts with the relatively small number of these fungi described so ...