Participants were shown video tutorial for the VR games and were made to play a mini-version of each VR-game to familiarize with the controller usage. For both the VR games, final score was based on the scores of the three trials, because score from single trial is not a reliable ...
Sulfab Y., Taylor R. S., and Sykes G. (1976) Rapid equilibration of the ethylenediamine-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetatoaquochromate (III) complex with chromate (VI), molybdate (VI), tungstate (VI) and azide-labi- lization of the aquo ligand by the free carboxylate and substitution at ...
Nucleotide sequences were initially aligned in Clustal X (Thompson et al., 1997) and imported into the Genetic Computer Group sequence editor (Wisconsin Package version 10; Madison, WI, USA). These alignments were then imported into Clustal W (Thompson et al., 1994), Mview (Brown et al.,...