Jim Carrey stars in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective as the titular character, who investigates the disappearance of the Miami Dolphins' mascot. Courteney Cox, Sean Young, and Tone Loc star in this 1994 comedy, which cemented Carrey as a movie star alongside The Mask and Dumb and Dumber. Your ...
Running Time: 1 hr. 26 min. MPAA Rating:PG-13 90s|A|Slapstick Courteney Cox|Jim Carrey|Sean Young|Udo Kier T he film starts with an unforgettable jab at UPS, with goofy pet detective Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) handling a fragile package with particularly ungentle hands. From here, audience...
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective: Directed by Tom Shadyac. With Jim Carrey, Courteney Cox, Sean Young, Tone Loc. A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins.
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective: Directed by Tom Shadyac. With Jim Carrey, Courteney Cox, Sean Young, Tone Loc. A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins.
ace ventura pet detective 读音:美英 ace ventura pet detective基本解释 神探飞机头;宠物神探;王牌威龙 分词解释 ACE幺点 Ventura[人名] 文图拉 pet[地名] [俄罗斯] 佩特河 detective侦探的
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective: With Michael Daingerfield, Richard Binsley, John Stocker, James Rankin. The completely-bonkers Ace Ventura continues to tackle cases involving stolen or missing animals, usually arriving at the solutions by pure fluke as he bl
If I stretch my mind back… I think I first watched Ace Ventura Pet Detective at a movie marathon in Doncaster. I assume they still do movie marathons at some cinemas, but I remember the ones I used to go to would involve getting to the cinema before the sun went down one day and ...
He plays an inept but sometimes accidentally successful Miami-based pet detective – a modern-day Doctor Dolittle who goes to work when a bottle-nosed dolphin called ‘Snowflake’ – the mascot of the Miami Dolphins football team – is kidnapped just before the Superbowl. Ventura is hired by ...
简介 The completely-bonkers Ace Ventura continues to tackle cases involving stolen or missing animals, usually arriving at the solutions by pure fluke as he blunders his way through the facts in his inimitable way. 演职人员全部 迈克尔·登杰菲尔德饰: Ace Ventura: Pet Detective John Stocker饰: ...