Wright called Kristoph to defend him, but when the latter mentioned Zak's baldness, Wright realized that something was wrong, since Kristoph should have been unaware of that information. Wright replaced the hat on Zak's head, put a drop of the victim's blood on an ace of spades, and lef...
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Tetraena qatarensis(Hadidi), vernacular ‘Haram’ in Arabic, is an element of the flora of Eastern Saudi Arabia30and a constituent specie of coastal lowland vegetation of Saudi Arabia37. El Hadidi26reported theZ. qatarenseas a new species of Qatar. Hosny29also identified three varieties and th...
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Using SPAdes de novo assembler. Curr. Protoc. Bioinform. 2020, 70, e102. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Parks, D.H.; Imelfort, M.; Skennerton, C.T.; Hugenholtz, P.; Tyson, G.W. CheckM: Assessing the quality of microbial genomes recovered from isolates, single cells, and metagenomes...