Ace being captain of the Spade Pirates is a pun on the "ace of spades", which is also named the "Death Card", a possible hint at his eventual death. In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th fan polls of most popular characters, Ace was ranked 8th, 10th, 5th, 6th, 5th again...
Wright had Trucy give Justice the ace of spades that he had picked up, which would turn out to be crucial evidence. Wright and Justice, with the help of Justice's power to "perceive" Orly's nervous twitches, eventually exposed Kristoph as the real killer. In closing, Wright told the ...
Tetraena qatarensis(Hadidi), vernacular ‘Haram’ in Arabic, is an element of the flora of Eastern Saudi Arabia30and a constituent specie of coastal lowland vegetation of Saudi Arabia37. El Hadidi26reported theZ. qatarenseas a new species of Qatar. Hosny29also identified three varieties and th...