Experience the ultimate air combat in ACE COMBAT 7 with stunning visuals, intense dog-fighting, a variety of aircraft, and an immersive storyline, plus VR!
ACE COMBAT系列,是能讓玩家能化身為王牌駕駛員,駕駛愛機在追求擬真天空的美麗空間內,享受360度自由飛行的爽快感、讓玩家親自判斷狀況並選擇敵人來破壞的痛快感、享受克服難關達成感的飛行射擊遊戲。 本作是系列最新作品,依然由「PROJECT ACES」來擔任開發。本作的主題是「天空革新」,遊戲內立體包覆天空的雲層會擴散,...
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War/エースコンバット·ゼロ ザ·ベルカン·ウォ PS2 (2006-03-23) 皇牌空战X 苍穹诡影 Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception/エースコンバットX スカイズ·オブ·デセプション PSP (2006-10-24) 皇牌空战6 解放的战火 Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation/エースコ...
Become an ace pilot and soar through photorealistic skies with full 360 degree movement down enemy aircraft and experience the thrill of engaging in realistic sorties! Aerial combat has never looked or felt better! Project Aces aims to revolutionize the sky with this entry in the series, offering...
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War/エースコンバット·ゼロ ザ·ベルカン·ウォ PS2 (2006-03-23) 皇牌空战X 苍穹诡影 Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception/エースコンバットX スカイズ·オブ·デセプション PSP (2006-10-24) 皇牌空战6 解放的战火 ...
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition features the base game, six types of downloadable content and special bonuses from other console versions. Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition will be available on Nintendo Switch on July 11, 2024....
購買ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN便能獲得可遊玩機體F-104C -Avril-。ACE COMBAT系列,是能讓玩家能化身為王牌駕駛員,駕駛愛機在追求擬真天空的美麗空間內,享受360度自由飛行的爽快感、讓玩家親自判斷狀況並選擇敵人來破壞的痛快感、享受克服難關達成感的飛行射擊遊戲。本作是系列最新作品,依然由「PROJECT ACES...
ACE COMBAT系列,是能讓玩家能化身為王牌駕駛員,駕駛愛機在追求擬真天空的美麗空間內,享受360度自由飛行的爽快感、讓玩家親自判斷狀況並選擇敵人來破壞的痛快感、享受克服難關達成感的飛行射擊遊戲。本作是系列最新作品,依然由「PROJECT ACES」來擔任開發。本作的主題是「天空革新」,遊戲內立體包覆天空的雲層會擴散,氣...
Ace Combatis a franchise of arcade flight shooting video games published byBandai Namcoand developed byProject Aces, an internal Bandai Namco studio. Running for29 years, theAce Combatgames typically have players take control of real aircraft in fictional conflicts to defeat enemy forces and become...