ACE模组,Advanced Combat Environment,进阶作战环境,顾名思义,是基于武装突袭3(ARMA3)原版游戏的基础上,将作战环境进一步贴近真实来提高拟真度的模组,而往往最重要而又是最令人头疼的就是其医疗系统。 相信各位都希望能够更好的体验ACE模组的内容,我个人也不断在摸索,在中国战地联盟也有由rzmeng发布的一篇《官方ACE3...
ACE3 的基础医疗系统比《Arma3》的默认系统更复杂一些,但并不难掌握。基础医疗是 ACE2 和 AGM 医疗系统的结合体。医疗系统中的所有操作均通过交互菜单完成。非医护人员默认无法执行所有操作(如注射肾上腺素和输液),且执行操作的时间较受过训练的医护人员更长。/1.2 复苏系统复苏系统允许你将倒下的单位救活。当单位...
ACE3is a joint effort by the teams behindACE2,AGMandCSEto improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. The project is entirelyopen-sourceand all contributions are welcome. Feel free to maintain your own custom version, so long as the changes you make are open to the public in accordanc...
13回复贴,共1页 <返回arma3吧为啥挂了ace总感觉榴弹贴脸都打不死红方dlc里面的俄罗斯特 只看楼主收藏回复 a12342587 Razor 6 为啥挂了ace总感觉榴弹贴脸都打不死红方dlc里面的俄罗斯特种部队? 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2020-07-08 00:17回复 ...
This patch fixes a number of bugs from previous ACE3 release and the latest Arma 3 updates, brings smaller enhancements as well as full Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional translations incorporated from previously standalone mod!If you're looking to chat with us be sure to join our ...
(代替ace医疗中的那个**除颤仪) 止痛药(不像注射型的,这个是直接口服的) 气管内置导管 气管撑开球囊 止痛药 AAT包(管呼吸) 抽吸泵 便携医疗心率血 283 arma3吧 ZLTCCWV 求助ACE3问题我新换了电脑,通过创意工坊下载ace3后,加载ace却运行不了,提示说缺少64位dll文件,可**作系统就是64位win10, arma3也...
This version of ACE3 requires Arma 3 v1.62. The Apex expansion is not required but is supported. ACE3 v3.6.1 requires CBA Version 2.4.1 or later. CHANGE LOG SUMMARY ADDED: Add reload mutex as canInteractWith condition (#4062) Add Drag/Drop Keybind (#4034) Add goggle setting for level...
ACE3 is a joint effort by the teams behind ACE2, AGM and CSE to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. The project is entirely open-source and all contributions are welcome. Feel free to maintain your own custom version, so long as the changes you make are open to the public...
Open-source realism mod for Arma 3. Contribute to oftenoon/ACE3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
ACE3 is a joint effort by the teams behind ACE2, AGM and CSE to improve the realism and authenticity of Arma 3. The project is entirely open-source and all contributions are welcome. Feel free to maintain your own custom version, so long as the changes you make are open to the public...