ACE五金超市是Ace Hardware集团成员,后者是美国排名第二的五金、涂料生产/零售集团,自己生产很有名的涂料产品(但在北美,其涂料销售额远远赶不上美国本土的“宣威”涂料、日本“立邦”和英国ICI的“多乐士”)。它大约有5011家门店,大部分在美国,其余分布在大约60个国家/地区。在其五金超市中,涂料、...
修补用品Patch & Repair 洗衣机Power Washers 石板瓦Rags 屋顶/车道养护用品Roof / Driveway Maintenance 砂纸Sandpaper 溶剂/稀释剂Solvents / Thinners 海绵、纱布Sponges 喷漆Spray Paint 橡皮刷、涂刷器Squeegees 卷[皮, 钢]尺Tapes 壁纸附件Wallpaper Accessories 防水材料Waterproofing 很多名词我不懂,请知道的朋友...
- Fixed bug where controller hardware was being polled too often, resulting in significant lag for...
除了那套公寓外,已故系领导还有点偏爱这一套。 379. I can hardly pardon his discarding the hardware and cardboard in the harbour. 我简直不能原谅他在港口丢弃五金和硬纸板。 380. The guard guards the guarantee in the garden regardl...
修补用品Patch & Repair 洗衣机Power Washers 石板瓦Rags 屋顶/车道养护用品Roof / Driveway Maintenance 砂纸Sandpaper 溶剂/稀释剂Solvents / Thinners 海绵、纱布Sponges 喷漆Spray Paint 橡皮刷、涂刷器Squeegees 卷[皮, 钢]尺Tapes 壁纸附件Wallpaper Accessories 防水材料Waterproofing 很多名词我不懂,...
修补用品Patch & Repair 洗衣机Power Washers 石板瓦Rags 屋顶/车道养护用品Roof / Driveway Maintenance 砂纸Sandpaper 溶剂/稀释剂Solvents / Thinners 海绵、纱布Sponges 喷漆Spray Paint 橡皮刷、涂刷器Squeegees 卷[皮, 钢]尺Tapes 壁纸附件Wallpaper Accessories 防水材料Waterproofing via:恰恰牛 五金...