Storyline EditUser reviews Be the first to review Top picks Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendationsSign inDetails Edit Release date February 3, 2023 (Japan) Country of origin Japan Official site Series playlist Language Japanese Production company Ikaros Publications See more co...
The campaign storyline of Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation is actually kind of weak, and almost seems a contrived afterthought in order to tie everything together at the end. The basics are that a peaceful country (Gracemeria) was invaded by another country that has a large military force,...
who preserved as Osea’s president in 2004’sAce Combat 5: The Unsung War. Told through attractive anime sequences,Skies Unknown’storyline is poised to be a bit contentious.
The storyline is spectacular and even if the difficulty is easy, in most levels it is hard. Great Game!! dunningjm 20 5 out of 5 stars review 2/19/2009 Very Great GameThis game was what i was looking for in the Ace Combat Series for PS2, it follows up with Ace Combat 4 and ...
Short mission storyline. Guns are a waste due to psychic missile lock-on. VERDICT Ace Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion is a worthy addition to the series for Namco, but too short to enjoy completely.Full Review App Store Info Almost fifteen years after the first Ace Combat game for the Pl...
Ace Combat Assault Horizon continues the legacy of the series by giving fans of the series the new title that they've wanted. With a deep storyline included in the campaign and an online community that is quite strong upon launch, there is plenty of replay value with the title. Some ...
As a whole, Ace Combat Assault Horizon+ comes together nicely, with some impressive production values helping it along - the planes you fly are licensed and relatively accurate recreations, for example. The storyline itself is fluff and only really explained if you prompt a cutscene by leaving ...
Best Ace Combat of allAwesome game, amazing graphics, fantastic storyline. Awesome DLC too..3 additional missions and a bunch of awesome fighters you can't get any other way. Marty 00 5 out of 5 stars review 5/14/2019 Would definitely buy againThis game is so fun but had a couple ...
Ultimately the question is, does Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy nosedive into a cocoon of flames, or burst through lines of criticism in a blaze of glory? Legacy’s storyline reportedly connects to other games in the series, but as a standalone it is also fairly straightforward. Taking...
Ace Combat 7 is a fantastic return for a series that has been gone for too long. If you’re in the market for a compelling aerial combat title, this is sure to be just what you were looking for. Satisfying controls and combat matched with an engaging storyline make for an enjoyable ri...