Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War: Directed by Naoto Maeda. With Banjô Ginga, Steve Apostolina, Beau Billingslea, JB Blanc. A prequel taking place in the Belkan War, 15 years before the events of Ace Combat 5, this game follows the role of a legendary a
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan Warhas replaced the confusing and cumbersome aircraft selection menu fromAce Combat 5and uses a more streamlined interface similar to what we saw inAce Combat 4. The wingman system has also been simplified. Instead of three wingmen to coordinate from the start, you...
Ace Combat: The Belkan War,由约翰尼·扬·博施,D.C.道格拉斯,达兰·诺里斯,贾米森·普赖斯主演的动作电影。为您提供Ace Combat: The Belkan War在线观看、Ace Combat: The Belkan War演员表、Ace Combat: The Belkan War下载等相关信息,影片简介:王牌战斗零:贝尔坎
Ace Combat: The Belkan War,由约翰尼·扬·博施,D.C.道格拉斯,达兰·诺里斯,贾米森·普赖斯主演的动作电影。为您提供Ace Combat: The Belkan War在线观看、Ace Combat: The Belkan War演员表、Ace Combat: The Belkan War下载等相关信息,影片简介:王牌战斗零:贝尔坎
Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (NTSC-U): Region: USA Serial: SLUS-21346 Version: 1.00 CRC32: f7e98eeb MD5: 61c016fad9d992dee8dcb0aec2a6c31f SHA-1: e72c3d5fd27bcd6c71cdd1a5bee26956bc625e43 Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War (NTSC-J): ...
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The skies has no mercy. Defend the country of Ustio against an enemy that is smarter, faster and deadlier than any that have come before. Relive the events fifteen years prior to Ace Combat 5. Welcome to the dogfight of your life — The Belkan War....
ACE COMBAT ZERO:the Belkan war clear(有剧透)由佣兵们谱写的骑士道故事,圆桌的天空和从天空坠落的对手们铭记着他的事迹,不同人物在战场上和战后的遭遇又都成为这场战争众说纷纭记录的一部分。骑士道会随着时代变化而式微,签署协议的圆桌会代替那片为天空的骑士们准备的B7R,但是总有人怀抱着让世界变得更好的愿望...
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Ace Combat: The Belkan War 剧情,动作,科幻,悬疑,冒险 日本 2006-03-23日本上映 影片对比 暂无想看 样本较少暂无画像 昨日新增想看 暂无 想看单日峰值 暂无丰富信息请发送邮件至ziliao@maoyan.com违法和不良信息举报电话:4006018900猫眼专业版 秒级实时票房随时看 立即下载 ...