Experience the ultimate air combat in ACE COMBAT 7 with stunning visuals, intense dog-fighting, a variety of aircraft, and an immersive storyline, plus VR!
『ACE COMBAT』系列睽违已久的最新续作终于登场! ACE COMBAT系列,是能让玩家能化身为王牌驾驶员,驾驶爱机在追求拟真天空的美丽空间内,享受360度自由飞行的爽快感、让玩家亲自判断状况并选择敌人来破坏的痛快感、享受克服难关达成感的飞行射击游戏。 本作是系列最新作品,依然由「PROJECT ACES」来担任开发。 本作的主题...
In Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, you take on the role of an Ace – an elite fighter pilot tasked with patrolling the most open and intimidating space on Earth: the sky. Choose from an array of authentic modern and futurist aircraft and load them up with an arsenal of cutting-edge super...
Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, ACE COMBAT 7: Skies Unknown delivers a fierce air combat experience through photorealistic visuals, intense dog-fighting action, a multitude of authentic and futuristic aircraf
Purchase ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN and get the playable F-104C: Avril DLC as a bonus. Become an ace pilot and soar through photorealistic skies with full 360 degree movement down enemy aircraft and experience the thrill of engaging in realistic sorties! Aerial combat has never looked or...
ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN el kit de avión de TOP GUN: Maverick Avión jugable: F-104C Avril US$74.99 Agregar al carrito Agregar al carrito Maverick Ultimate Edition ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN el kit de avión de TOP GUN: Maverick ...
Explore Shooter/Simulation game Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown for PS4 console from the official PlayStation website.Check out Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown features, news, videos, screen shots, and buy the game now from PlayStation Store.
皇牌空战7:没有音爆?那就用MSTM手动加一个! 曉夙 893 0 06:43 高空舰队[High Fleet]|视距内狗斗教程 格斯斯基 5865 4 05:24 【皇牌空战7】皇牌直升机 cj0104 4660 9 05:57 皇牌空战7:你就是夜空中最"亮"的仔! 曉夙 1198 2 04:36 【MOD机体系列】威龙VS强袭龙 咸鱼の泪 1095 0 ...
《皇牌空战7:未知空域》图文全剧情流程攻略,全关卡要点全载具解析(含“全剧情流程”“载具/战机详解”“通关任务要点”)。《皇牌空战7:未知空域(Ace Combat 7:Skies Unknown)》是一款科幻类的飞行射击游戏。本作由虚幻4引擎制作,通过虚幻4引擎的强大性能为各位玩家展示精美的天空景色和城市,画面有革命性的进化。除...
皇牌空战7:这就是没HCAA加持的阵风? 曉夙 633 0 【High Fleet/高空舰队】视距内狗斗教学03 格斯斯基 461 0 【皇牌空战7】洛卡哈哈偶遇深红一号,拼尽全力无法取胜 cj0104 1812 0 皇牌空战7:没有音爆?那就用MSTM手动加一个! 曉夙 893 0 新手试玩皇牌空战7 小林宗次郎 348 0 展开 王者荣耀S39新赛...