Putting gamers in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed, ACE COMBAT 7: Skies Unknown delivers a fierce air combat experience through photorealistic visuals, intense dog-fighting action, a multitude of authentic and futuristic aircraf
Experience the ultimate air combat in ACE COMBAT 7 with stunning visuals, intense dog-fighting, a variety of aircraft, and an immersive storyline, plus VR!
Description of the issue Observed in the first mission. Clouds are rendered as should be during the runway sequence at the start of the mission. After that, the sky display a kind of vertical limit resulting in a flat line atop of clouds...
《皇牌空战7 未知领域》是累积销售1400万份《皇牌空战》系列的最新作,本作是一款由玩家将扮演一位皇牌飞行员,感受在近乎现实的天空中360度自由回旋飞翔的爽快感,以及由玩家凭借自己判断依次瞄准击破敌人,以及尽情享受突破难关所达成的成就感的飞行射击游戏。 展开 图册(3) 详情 平台 Microsoft Windows, PlayStatio...
An add-on for ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN.Contains the following:- Playable Aircraft: F/A-18F Super Hornet Block IIIA modernized carrier-based fighter modeled after the F/A-18. It has improved engine performance and stealth capabilities, making it excel at everything from low-speed ground...
ACE COMBAT 系列,是能让玩家能化身为王牌驾驶员,驾驶爱机在追求拟真天空的美丽空间内,享受 360 度自由飞行的爽快感、让玩家亲自判断状况并选择敌人来破坏的痛快感、享受克服难关达成感的飞行射击游戏。 本作是系列最新作品,依然由“PROJECT ACES”来担任开发。本作的主题是“天空革新”,游戏内立体包覆天空的云层会...
Custom build of UE4SS(Unreal Engine 4/5 Scripting System) that works with Ace Combat 7. Required for LUA and C++ scripts and logical Blueprint modding. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Mirrors Changelogs Support me - kosnag.ru/donateHow to install:-Unzip the downloaded archive-...
[Bug] Ace Combat 7 - Bugged clouds and jet engine rendering #252 Open solidscapes opened this issue Nov 16, 2024· 2 comments Open [Bug] Ace Combat 7 - Bugged clouds and jet engine rendering #252 solidscapes opened this issue Nov 16, 2024· 2 comments Labels bug help wanted ...
An add-on for ACE COMBAT™ 7: SKIES UNKNOWN. Contains the following: - Playable Aircraft: ASF-X Shinden II A cutting-edge support fighter built to handle a variety of situations. Its two-tiered jet engine and variable forward-swept wings give this aircraft excellent ...
游戏本身是基于Unreal Engine 4做的。所以熟悉这个引擎的人应该能估计出游戏的画面。这游戏的画面,应该说是中等程度以上。然后因为是多平台,当然免不了比较。我看到一个评测,可信度较高。在分辨率上,PS4 Pro和Xbox X都是1080p,PS4低一些,大概在800p。Xbox S只有720p。PC当然是随便了。帧频上,Pro也是最好的,...