Ace Combat(日本) Air Combat(北美、欧洲) [6] 日文标题 エースコンバット [6] 发售平台 街机 PlayStation [6] 发售时间 1995年6月30日(日本) [6] 《皇牌空战》系列的第一部作品,最早为街机版,后来发行了PlayStation版。 在北美和欧洲发售时使用的游戏标题为《Air Combat》,但是在日本发行时的标题《Ac...
Witness high definition graphics rendering the world around you into super realistic war zones, made possible only by next generation processing power. Lead not only aerial combat units but also naval and ground combat units to victory. Massive conflicts unfold on a “living battlefield” integrated...
AceCombat6解开之物 CFA44NosferatuFighter-BeatthegameonHarddifficulty.Itwillappearinyourhangar,purchaseitfor$229,500. CFA44Nosferatu战斗机-在困难等级下完成游戏。将会出现在您的飞机场内,购买价为$229,500。 MusicPlayer-Beatthegameonce. 完成游戏一次,内容物是所有任务内的背景音乐. SceneViewer-Beatthe...
最初听到大家风评都很好,可能期待值有点太高(剧情),然后感觉前期有点平淡,到东京篇好像才燃气来,东京的bgm好带感,然后比较喜欢蛇神篇,最后那段气氛很好,修女一点点带领我们走向真相,最后神像杀虫子一样杀掉修女,控制我们,压迫感拉满,然后弑神 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-03-06 12:29回复 ...
4 0 33:37 App Ace Combat 3 Electrosphere (1999) Playstation 1 0 01:10:37 App Ace Combat X Skies of Deception (2007) Sony PSP 7 0 42:15 App Castlevania Lament of Innocence (2003) Playstation 2 6 0 12:59 App Bionic Commando Rearmed (2008) Area 1 2 0 01:11:37 App Bionic Comm...
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Over all, Ace Combat 6 is a good game but because of the final mission, it might be one you'd struggle to complete, but the multiplayer will more then make up for it, specially if you have the broadband speed to make it a real dogfight. ...
The formidable Aigaion airborne carrier from the Ace Combat series is now yours to fly. Available currently as a mostly unarmed prototype, the Aigaion is a beast and requires an equally beastly computer to fly. AG1 and AG2 to release bombs in two groups. Enjoy, and feel free to offer sug...
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