Ace Combat 5是我最喜欢的PS2游戏,我收到的这套一加Ace 5邀请函也像AC5一样制作精美---一套大大的飞行棋,四架王牌战机,像极了AC5里无坚不摧的四骑---那一加Ace 5的四大王牌---风驰游戏内核、第二代东方屏、电竞Wifi芯片、6400mAh冰川电池,也必然让你的游戏体验「强得飞起」,不怵任何王牌竞对。风驰游...
30 -- 10:45 App [PS2] Ace Combat 5 全剧情流程 024 白鸟 2 30 -- 19:23 App [PS2] Ace Combat 5 全剧情流程 025 碎心者一号 11 -- 15:51 App [PS2] Ace Combat 5 全剧情流程 011B 复仇行动 24 -- 10:19 App [PS2] Ace Combat 5 全剧情流程 018+ 捌肆玖贰 18 -- 10:47 Ap...
Ace Combat 5(空戰奇兵5/皇牌空戰5) - Aces 關卡 (含繁中字幕/歌詞) 2059 2 5:34 App Ace Combat Zero(皇牌空戰/空戰奇兵 Zero) - Zero 關卡 (含繁中字幕/Zero歌詞) 290 -- 7:14 App Ace Combat Zero(皇牌空戰Zero/空戰奇兵Zero) - Sword Of Annihilation 關卡(含繁中字幕) 460 -- 25:09 App...
Become a member to see contact information for Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. Try IMDbPro Premium for free + Add Cast 87 cast members NameKnown for Wakana Yamazaki Kei Nagase (Edge) (voice) Detective Conan(1996) Hideo Ishikawa Alvin H. Davenport (Chopper) (voice) ...
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War(2004) Takahiro Kawachi Actor (voice) Samurai Warriors(2004) Yasuhiko Kawazu Actor (voice) Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence(2005) Takaya Kuroda Actor (voice) Wolf's Rain(2003) Yoshiyuki Kôno Actor (voice) ...
ACE COMBAT..有一个人在2008年看到AC0被汉化完成后,萌发了要汉化AC5的构想,并付诸行动。有一群人,一起加入到了这个项目,都是义务劳动。在2014年。在2022年的春天。这个项目即将完工。
This article features the video game Ace Combat 5 from Namco. Ground-bound vehicle like Gran Turismo 4 can brag all they want about their licensed cars, but how many games offer licensed multimillion-dollar fighter planes? Ace Combat packs more than 50 of them, from the A-10 tank killer ...
我又来啦,AC5汉化文本已经全部OK了,在做DEBUG工作.有视频有图片 ACE COMBAT 5 粉丝自制视频_哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ 干杯~-bilibili 转自:
This game was what i was looking for in the Ace Combat Series for PS2, it follows up with Ace Combat 4 and lays the foundations for #6 i can't wait to see if #7 does come out. But anyways, even though you could be the game within a few days great repeated playthrough. I enjoy...