AIGUnitedGuarantyInsurance(Asia)Limited 中国香港一般 AllianzGlobalCorporate&Specialty(France)法国一般 安联保险(香港)有限公司 AllianzInsurance(HongKong)Limited 中国香港一般 AlliedWorldAssuranceCompany,Ltd百慕达一般 AmericanFamilyLifeAssuranceCompanyofColumbus美国长期 ...
Combining with Downtown Houston Office The history of the Houston office can be traced as far back as 1881, when a cotton station was used as a base for taking weather observations. As the city of Houston grew, the need for a Weather Bureau Office resulted in the establishment of the Hous...
航空货运费 air transport 航空运输 air waybill 空 运提货单;空运提单 All Ordinaries Index 所有普通股指数 allocate 分配 allotment 分 配数 allowance (l)折让,(2)津贴 amalgamation 合且 American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, The 香港美国商会 annual general meeting 周年大会;年会 annual report 年报...