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A histopathological scoring system was further used to quantify the pathophysiological condition of the lung. The mean score in control mice was 2.8, whereas it was lowered to 1.9 in AAV6/ch2H2 mice (Figure 5F). These data demonstrated that AAV6/ch2H2 prophylaxis could limit SARS-CoV-2 ...
Best-scoring Maximum Likelihood tree using MEGA5 based on a selection of 25 loci. The total length of the data set was 56.7 kb; 27,511 characters were parsimony informative. The data set was analyzed without partitions. The bootstrap percentages (100 bootstraps) are presented at the nodes;...
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scoring pose and for the docked conformation of the ligand located specifically at the interface, at the spike protein or at the ACE2 alone. H-bonding and other noncovalent interactions at approximately 2.5 Å from the ligand or residue were generated from the Structural Analysis Tool in Auto...
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