6.Cervical Spine Surgery:Standard and Advanced Techniques
5. YeeTJ, Swong K, Park P. Complications of anterior cervical spine surgery: a systematic review of the literature. J Spine Surg 2020;6:302-22. 6. Harman F, Kaptanoglu E, Hasturk AE. Esophageal perforation after anterior ...
Results:There was no difference in fusion between the C4-5-6 and C5-6-7 ACDF procedures, but the fusion rate and Bridwell fusion grade at the caudal surgery level were lower than those at the cranial surgery level (93 vs. 79%, p<0.001). The lower endplate of the caudal fusion level...
既往ACDF融合节段包括C5-C7 (n=3)、C3-C7 (n=2)、C4-C7 (n=1)、C4-C6 (n=1)、C2-C5 (n=1)和C6-C7 (n=1)。咽食道损伤包括食管穿孔3例,咽穿孔2例,食管糜烂3例,咽食道糜烂1例。 在大多数病例(n=6)中,咽食道损伤的原因是≥1枚螺钉压迫咽食道。吞咽困难(n=8)是最常见的症状。对于穿孔(n...
It is with deep sadness that we notify the surgical community of the untimely death of Dr Abdulraouf Mohammed Kdaish, a supernumerary registrar in the Department of Surgery at the University of Cape Town, on 18 January 2021. Abdulraouf w... O Eldurssi - 《South African Journal of Surgery...
The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score were used for clinical evaluation during the follow-up in the 1st month and 3rd month after surgery, and at the final follow-up. Results: The 52 patients were followed up on average for 13.04 months (12鈥...
邻椎病(adjacent segment disease ,ASD)是ACDF术后常见并发症之一。Wang指出ACDF术后邻椎病发生率约6.2%。 ACDF术后发生邻椎病与多种因素有关! Ahn等使用MRI进行ACDF术后3年邻椎病回顾性研究,指出50岁以上患者影像学上出现邻椎病变风险更高。 Bydon等的研究指出,ACDF...
临床上肝癌多侵犯血管形成血管癌栓,其亦可侵犯胆管形成胆管癌栓,其发生率为0.5%~12.9%[3-6]。胆管癌栓可沿肝内胆管向肝门部胆管侵犯甚至到达胆总管,从而阻塞胆总管导致黄疸、胆道出血等,若不及时治疗,病人中位生存时间仅为1~3个月。 目前,...