Accurate means correct in all details; precise means exact and specific, often with a narrow focus.
The meaning of ACCURATE is free from error especially as the result of care. How to use accurate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Accurate.
It just asks you to submit text and press the action button to fetch a precise plagiarism detection report instantly. How can I accurately cite my sources? To accurately cite your sources, you first need to understand the required citation style by your institute. Once you understand it, you...
precise vs accurate发音 意思翻译 精确vs准确 相似词语短语 precise nature───确切性质 precise cause───确切原因 highly accurate───高度精确 precast concrete───预制混凝土 precious coral───贵珊瑚 precious corals───珍贵的珊瑚 双语使用场景 英语使用场景 相关推荐 precise rs3 precise definition ...
However, they cannot reveal the higher-order structures, a more precise representation of the complex interactions in complex dynamical systems. Thus, we introduce a new computing paradigm into the RC, termed higher-order RC, to incorporate the time-series data with the higher-order structure to ...
Accurate means precise or exact findings, while reliable implies consistent and dependable results over time.
et al. Ambiguous allele combinations in HLA Class I and Class II sequence-based typing: when precise nucleotide sequencing leads to imprecise allele identification. J. Transl. Med. 2, 30 (2004). Article PubMed PubMed Central CAS Google Scholar Browning, B. L. & Browning, S. R. Genotype...
Let’s start with backlash. While there are precise engineering definitions, let’s keep it a bit more informal. Think of it as lost motion of your machine along one axis. It can be due to many factors. An input is given to the axis that is lost, and does not move the axis....
1a,b). While the signalling entropy of single cells will influence the amount of transcriptional heterogeneity and entropy as defined by Richard et al., the precise relation between the two entropies is non-trivial. Indeed, we have here shown how we can assign single cells into potency states...
Fig. 1: PrimeNovo stands as the pioneering biological non-autoregressive Transformer model, delivering precise peptide sequencing. aModel architecture overview: Our model takes MS/MS spectra as input and generates the predicted peptide sequence. It comprises two key components: (1) a non-autoregressiv...