Translation from Italian to English is performed by a native speaker with the preservation of style and meaning, and it will be adapted to your needs. Services of translation of documents from Italian into English and vice versa are highly demanded when moving and during business trips, as well...
In the age of globalization, professional translation from Spanish to English is gaining popularity. Such documents as Press Releases, Bank Statements, and Tax Reports are essential if you want to do business successfully. We providefinancial translation onlineto Spanish, so you won’t worry about ...
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. accurate →exacto Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 accurate a.exacto-a, preciso-a, correcto-a. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
Try our professional translation service online! Instantly translate text and documents into 100+ languages using AI-powered technology or hire human experts. 24/7 online translator by
Simply input the English words or text, select your desired target language, and get the online translation instantly. These tools help non-native speakers improve their understanding of English by providing translations in their own language. You can use our order form to submit files for ...
Simply input the English words or text, select your desired target language, and get the online translation instantly. These tools help non-native speakers improve their understanding of English by providing translations in their own language. You can use our order form to submit files for ...
Simply input the English words or text, select your desired target language, and get the online translation instantly. These tools help non-native speakers improve their understanding of English by providing translations in their own language. You can use our order form to submit files for ...
Simply input the English words or text, select your desired target language, and get the online translation instantly. These tools help non-native speakers improve their understanding of English by providing translations in their own language. You can use our order form to submit files for ...
And how less likely are the other examined languages in comparison to the most likely one? These questions can be answered as well:val detector = LanguageDetectorBuilder.fromLanguages(GERMAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH).build() val confidenceValues = detector.computeLanguageConfidenceValues(text = "...
Language: Czech, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Dutch, English (UK), English (US), French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese ...